Friday, 7 May 2010

On the beach

Clearview Stove

A little home improvement ...first it was an open fire...

..and now it is this amazingly efficient woodburning stove.
And we just love it!

Walk the New Forest

Walk 1 - The Rufus Stone
The walk starts from the Rufus Stone. This monument may be a little disappointing. Not so the surrounding area, which is a pleasant blend of Forest lawn, open woodland, and quiet hamlets.
About the Rufus Stone: William Rufus, the second Normand king of England and son of William the Conqueror, was a thoroughly nasty character, despised by all his subjects. His brother Henry and Sir Walter Tyrell were among the hunting party on that fateful August day. All accounts agree that an arrow shot after a stag by Sir Walter glanced off the animal or a tree and struck the king in the chest, killing him instantly.

..looking gorgeous darling, all ready for the photoshoot?

...sorry Hun, siesta time
Sir Walter Tyrell pub, a welcome stop for refreshments and the place where the first chapter ends. Fancy a pint?